Attendance and Truancy Support

In Virginia, all students aged five (5) through eighteen (18) are required to attend school regularly.  TeamLCPS believes that student attendance is a significant predictor of a student's academic, social, and emotional growth, as well as overall success.  The Attendance and Truancy Support Team is here to support our students, parents/guardians, faculty, and staff, as our mission includes being a school division where every student is challenged to reach his or her maximum potential.

Students may be absent from school and excused for the following reasons:

·       Illness

·       Chronic/Extended Illness

·       Prearranged Appointments

·       Family Death or Emergency

·       Religious Observances

·       Exceptional Circumstances

* Please reference the LCPS Attendance Policy for further details.

When students are absent from school, a parent note/email must be provided explaining the details of the student’s absence.  This note/email must be presented to school staff (attendance secretary) within 5 days of the student’s absence.  

 When parents do not report student absences, the absence will be unexcused.  Please note that any absence that does not fall into the above categories, or where documentation is not provided, will be coded as unexcused.  

Parents can monitor student attendance using the Parent Portal Information System.  For further information on this system, please contact your child’s school.


What can you do to keep your student on track?

·       Talk about the importance of attending school every day and arriving on time every day.

·       Establish/Maintain regular bedtimes and daily routines.

·       If able, schedule dental, medical, and other appointments after school hours.  

·       If your student does miss school, make sure to communicate with teachers for resources and materials for students to complete missed instruction. 

·       If additional support is needed, please contact the school staff.


Attendance Facts*:

·       Over eight million students in the United States miss nearly a month of school each year.

·       Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or be held back.

·       By sixth grade, absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student may drop out of high school.

·       By ninth grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than eighth-grade test scores.

* Source:

Additional Information

Attendance & Truancy Support Team

JES/TJES: Rachel Jones (extension 7353)*
M-NES/TES: Casey Blankenship (extension 7351)
LCMS: Kim Smith (extension 7350)
LCHS: Adrienne Harris (extension 7355)
LCMS/LCHS: Carrie Crosby (extension 7354)

* indicates team leader
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