Foster Care Education Services

Information for Families

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (P.L. 114-95) was signed into law on December 10, 2015, as Public Law 114-95 (PDF - 895 KB). ESSA reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and includes new provisions that promote educational stability for children in foster care so they can continue their education without disruption, maintain important relationships, and have the opportunity to achieve college and career readiness. The law also emphasizes the importance of collaboration and joint decision-making between child welfare agencies and educational agencies.

The Louisa County School District recognizes the unique challenges that face youth placed in foster care. We will provide these students with access to the same free, appropriate public education as other children and youth, as well as access to educational and other services necessary to be successful in school.  We will work collaboratively with the Department of Human Services to ensure that these students are not separated from the mainstream school environment.  

Best Interest Determination Meeting form

Request for BID Meeting

Immediate Enrollment of a Student in Foster Care

Student Residency Form

For additional information and support, contact your school counselor who will also coordinate with the school social worker.

Dr. Carla Alpern

Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services

Foster Care Liaison
Phone: 540-894-5115

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